Cathan Kabrelian
Trainer, Speaker, Retreat Leader,
Mentor, Practice Group Facilitator
Years ago I became fascinated by the idea that humans could affect their physical, mental, and emotional experiences by training their attention and awareness. For years, I tried pushing down feelings, blocking out judgments, and quieting the inevitable thoughts that crowded my mind. Finding neither solace nor effectiveness with these strategies, I embarked on a path to understand the human experience - the joys, the sorrows, the connections, and the conflicts.
Along the way, I was introduced to the work of Marshall Rosenberg and Thom Bond, both champions of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), also known as Compassionate Communication. This needs-awareness lens has transformed my experience of living. The practices of mindfulness, empathy, and compassion deepened the connection with myself and others, brought more understanding and harmony into all of my relationships, and gave me the tools to navigate conflict with openness and curiosity. With the needs-awareness skill set, I now have the inspiration to take full responsibility for my feelings and needs, an empowering and motivating way to live.
As a Compassionate Communication Trainer, Connection Consultant, and Certified Mindfulness Instructor, trained in trauma-sensitive teaching and somatic embodiment, I now understand more clearly what it means to be human, and I work passionately to share what I have learned about creating a more wonderful life - not just surviving, but thriving.
What I love in life...
My favorite activity is hiking up mountains, especially when there is an incredible view from the top! I love reading, both fiction and non-fiction, especially when stories or ideas stimulate curiosity and musings about a shift in perspective. I love the work I do - supporting people and organizations as they learn and grow into a life of more compassion, understanding, and harmony.